The IVY Company
The Ivy Company team brings together alumni from the ivy league schools namely Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton, University of Pennsylvania (Penn) and Yale. Alumni of Oxford, Cambridge, MIT, Stanford, Caltech, Berkeley, Chicago, Duke and Northwestern are also members of the Ivy Company. The Ivy Company contains exceptional expertise across industries globally. It is one of the most human capital rich companies in the world.
The energy consortium and financial expertise represents the largest single group of investment professionals in the world who have collectively raised individually 5b in capital.
We seek later stage early company funding opportunities, and shovel ready equity PPA asset management opportunities. As one of the only members in Europe, Elizabeth Ferguson is the consortium representative for relationship and business development in the region.

GlobeHUB, established in 2016 and based in Atlanta, is a start-up incubator, which aims to inspire the next generation of entrepreneurs. They offer support in mentorship, funding and help equip new start ups with the right tool to succeed.
The GlobeHub is an incubator and coworking space in Atlanta and Hong Zhou China. In both locations, it is located in government fu ding zones to enable companies to access government funding. The Globehub works as a recruiting partner for the China tech innovation contest. We sponsor applicant companies for seed funding of 250,000 euro equivalent funding first prize and also support an additional VC round to our inveestors in addition to the contest process.

Trentmann Software & Services
German language communication provided for foreign companies entering or importing to German market including telephone answering services, and website and ecommerce web development.